Mar 12Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

Hopefully she is fine. Possibly she is seriously ill. Possibly alien abduction. But you left out the very important possibility that she returns and we all think she's fine but it's really a shape shifter or Westworld style replicant.

And if she is, how many others might be also?

Just saying.


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Mar 12Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

I still can’t get over the cack-handedness of their press office. The internet has been awash with increasingly bizarre conspiracy theories for weeks while she’s out of sight recovering from some sort of surgical procedure, so let’s release an obviously doctored photo for Mother’s Day! That will obviously calm things down.

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Mar 13Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

I don't care enough to think anything besides vaguely sorry for her, poor thing can't take a couple months off without setting the globe afire. I presume she looks sick or otherwise imperfect and doesn't want to subject herself to the inevitable firestorm of criticism.

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Mar 12Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

From my absolutely ignorant distance, both geographical and cultural, I can't help the gut feeling that "the" Royal Family such as most of the globe understood it, ended with the demise of Queen Elizabeth. I am not even remotely a royalist but there's simply no comparing the dignity she personified to whatever is going on now. This is most probably inevitable in the age of 24/7 hyperconnectivity but all the same, I feel like Her Majesty was the las remaining original manuscript of something (whether good or bad is not for me to judge), and all we can see now is a set of increasingly blurry photocopies.

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