just speaking anecdotally, New York women who mention a 'fur baby' on their dating profiles also tend to have the 'wants kids' box checked; thus cases of *fur baby preferred to child* probably far rarer than cases of *fur baby while still hoping to have a child*

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022

I agree that it is essentially not a zero sum game.

However, the point (I think) most "anti-pet" people try to make is that due to a low marriage rates, women who do, in fact, want children do not have the opportunity to do so. Therefore, scholars like Penn's Amy Wax saying "the future is feline!" resounds.

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Minor edit: “Life unfolds in staggeringly complicated ways. “

That said, you are eloquently debating the inane. As one who has had the privilege (ha) to care for Great Pyr (x2) and an amazing child I cannot fathom missing one minute of those experiences.

They actually compliment each other quite well, so it would be impossible to separate the experiences. They are incredibly intertwined.

If someone chooses either or both paths though they are surely enriching their own lives in ways onto themselves.

Who are we to judge how another shares their love and affection?

Hope you continue to build multilayered memories!

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Excellent post.

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