Things are busy at home, where I am combining work with often-home toddler-preschool-aged children and the persistent thought that I was the world’s biggest fool to think it would be a good idea to do this kitchen renovation-powder room thing on account of not having had a kitchen since May and this is actually kind of not a nice way to live, and I apparently signed up for this (we are paying for the privilege!) and it is possible that I am not that bright.
Speaking of intelligence:
Wouldn’t it be convenient if smarter people were less attractive? It would be a fairer world, if gifts were more equitably distributed. And what is IQ, anyway, though there is a spirit-of-the-thing way of reading this where it’s like, would you want a smart man or an attractive one? What if, theoretically, you choose a man for his looks, and it turns out he’s also unusually smart? I guess you are, in such cases, meant to TikTok about it, as that is apparently the venue for discussing one’s husbands. Leading us to…
I don’t know who this lady is nor have I listened to the video but there’s text and a gist. Basically it’s one of those ‘omg ladies husbands are hopeless am I right?’ posts that attract mockery… of the woman, because we’ve arrived at some strange wave of feminism where a woman mistreated by a man is a heteronormative loser and not, you know, a woman mistreated by a man. I guess it’s something in her appearance and affect, where she’s not presenting the situation as abuse (which something wouldn’t have to be to be evidence of sexism), and treating it a bit lightly (but she also seems a bit distressed, maybe) and… I don’t know where I’m going with this, apart from to say that a feminism based on women boasting about not putting up with that sort of thing will only go so far.
Speaking of how far people go…
What is this “subscribe” button on Twitter, who is subscribing to tweets? I am not.
What I will do is sum up the rest of this post, about a man who seems to think he should think he was assaulted when his girlfriend surprised him amorously, but also on some level clearly does not think this and has the exact reaction cliché would expect a 25M to have to this development. Anyway I appreciated the story as a fun little reminder that woman, too, have needs. Something that is from time to time, at least in the manosphere (are they the manosphere?) forgotten:
So help me but I am looking at this photo and wondering the diameter of the table they’re sitting at and thinking that the base is—heh—far too wide.
unfortunately i think that youtube screenshot is fake
Subscribe button is Twitter's counterattack to Substack. Supposedly edgier tweets and videos for subscribers.